An impending labour stoppage on Canada’s two national railways has riled industry groups who worry consumers…
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Labour board orders rail workers back on the job as Teamsters vow to appeal
Freight trains must start rolling again first thing Monday morning, the federal labour board ruled Saturday…
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Prince George industries to feel immediate effect of rail shutdown: Brink
The lockout comes right after the U.S. hiked duties on Canadian softwood For an already-reeling B.C.…
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Labour board orders rail workers back on the job as Teamsters vow to appeal
Freight trains must start rolling again first thing Monday morning, the federal labour board ruled Saturday…
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Business owners, industry shippers call for end to rail disruptions
Canada’s business groups want Ottawa to invoke binding arbitration or issue back-to-work orders to the railways…
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Industry fears ‘catastrophe,’ economic fallout ahead of potential rail stoppage
North American industry groups and shippers are bracing for an unprecedented simultaneous stoppage at both of…
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The rail industry on track despite post-pandemic challenges
ORLANDO, FLA. — The global pandemic may be over, but the rail industry is still managing…
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